We offer many options to help you keep pests like wasps and bees out of your interior spaces. If you want to stop infestation on your property early, however, you need to be vigilant in identifying and destroying nests. Wasp nests can often be safely knocked down if they are smaller than a golf ball during times when wasps are not home, but dealing with nests is best left to the professionals. Bee hives are harder to deal with as they are often in difficult-to-reach areas. The best thing you can do is to keep an eye out for nests and call our team if you suspect these pests are around.

Rodent Control
Does your rodent control service come with a pest control warranty?Yes. All rat and mouse removal services from Bayonne Exterminating come with a six-month warranty. You don’t need to be afraid of every bump in the night, or worry about ineffective services that may invite future pest activity. Instead, all our services come with a pest-free guarantee that ensures lasting protection for half a year. In the unlikely event that rodents return, our team will be there to make things right.
What kind of rodents do you remove in Jersey City?Bayonne Exterminating specializes in the swift removal of rats and mice in Jersey City. This includes multiple species typically found in the New York metro, including Norway rats, field mice, roof rats, and house mice. If you’re struggling with a specific rodent species and are not sure how to proceed, just contact us to speak with an advisor about your options.
I run a more sensitive business. Do you offer organic pest control treatments?Yes. Bayonne Exterminating understands the difficulties of running a safe and pest-free business, which is why we strive to provide effective pest control treatments that align with your guidelines and compliance regulations. We offer organic rodent control treatments to specific commercial environments, as well as trapping services depending on your needs. Give us a call to connect with an expert and discuss the specifics at length.
Stinging Insect Control
Do your stinging insect control services come with a warranty?Yes. All stinging insect control services from Bayonne Exterminating come with a complimentary six-month warranty. Any pest activity discovered after our final service is subject to guaranteed protection. We promise to help with the removal of stinging insects within a timely manner, and can assist with even the most rooted of insects within a two- to three-week period. Just give us a call to learn more about what this could look like for your Jersey City property.
What kind of stinging insects do you remove in Jersey City?Bayonne Exterminating has removed stinging insects in Jersey City for nearly 100 years. Although we primarily focus on bees and wasps, we also provide protection for hornets, carpenter bees, yellow jackets, and more. Don’t see what you’re looking for on our list? Feel free to get in touch with our experts and learn more about available solutions.
How long does it take to get rid of stinging insects around Jersey City?Every pest infestation looks somewhat different, and no two nests are the same. Bayonne Exterminating cannot set a hard timeline for your property without performing an initial inspection. That said, our company is known to cull certain infestations within a week or less. More advanced infestations, including carpenter bees, take three weeks or fewer to clear. Feel free to contact Bayonne Exterminating directly to inquire about a more personalized quote.
Termite Control
How do I know if I have a termite infestation?Keep an eye out for the signs of termites, such as discarded wings near windows or doors and mud tubes along foundation walls. If you suspect that there may be termites in your home, the best thing to do is contact a professional pest control company right away for an inspection. Termites can cause serious damage to a home before you even realize there is a problem, so it's important to have an expert inspect your home to detect any potential issues.
How often should I have my home inspected for termites?We recommend having your home inspected at least once a year, especially if you live in an area prone to termite infestations. Early detection is key when it comes to protecting your home from termite damage. Even if there is no sign of termites, regularly scheduled termite inspections can help you identify any conducive conditions that may attract them to your property. If you have any questions about our termite control services, please don't hesitate to contact us!
How do I prevent termite infestation?There are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of a termite infestation, such as removing wood debris from your property, keeping firewood away from your home, and fixing any water leaks promptly. Additionally, we recommend regularly scheduled inspections to help detect any potential issues before they become a problem.
Mosquito Control
How can I prevent mosquitoes from coming back?While it is impossible to completely eliminate the threat of mosquito bites, there are steps you can take to reduce their presence on your property. These include eliminating any standing water sources, trimming tall grass and vegetation around your yard, and eliminating any other potential breeding sites. Additionally, utilizing a system like our Liv System can help repel mosquitoes and make your yard an uncomfortable environment for them to breed in.
Is it safe to use yard sprays or Liv Systems around my family and pets?Yes, both of our options are safe for people, pets, and other wildlife when used as directed by our technicians. Our Liv System uses a synthetic version of a natural repellent found in chrysanthemums that targets mosquitoes without harming beneficial insects and their ecosystems. Yard sprays are also safe when applied according to EPA guidelines.
Can I install the Liv system myself?While it is possible to install the Liv System yourself, we recommend that you have it installed by our trained technicians for best results. Our technicians are familiar with the system and can set it up in a way that ensures maximum effectiveness. This way you can be sure that the system is set up correctly and that all potential breeding sites are addressed.
German Cockroach Control
How does your cockroach control program exclusively target German cockroaches?
All German roach treatment services from Bayonne Exterminating focus exclusively on German roaches and their unique reproductive cycles. We apply species-specific products and flushing agents to drive out infestations, along with preventive work with scientifically designed baits guaranteed to get to the core of the issue. You can trust our team to get the job done right.
Call today for more details.
Do your German cockroach treatment plans come with a warranty?Yes. All German cockroach control plans from Bayonne Exterminating come with a full three-month warranty. The goal is to help you get back on your feet without worrying about recurring infestations. If you think or know that German roaches have returned to your property post-treatment, don’t hesitate to let our team know immediately. We’re looking forward to protecting your property.
Do I need to worry about any prep before your German cockroach treatment?In order to facilitate the highest quality outcomes in German cockroach control, Bayonne Exterminating provides customers with a simple prep sheet to follow. We provide all information before your initial treatment so you can get your home prepared before the day of our application. Curious to know what these expectations are? Just give us a call today. We can answer any questions you have and send over the form right away.
Bed Bug Control
What should I do if I think I have a bed bug infestation?If you think you have a bed bug infestation, don’t panic. The best thing to do is to contact a professional in local pest control for bed bugs to properly assess the situation and create a tailored treatment plan. Don't try to handle the problem on your own, as this can be ineffective or even make the problem worse. It takes professional pest control to kill bed bugs and keep them away. It’s also important not to discard furniture or move items around, as this will only spread the infestation. Bayonne Exterminating can help you get rid of the problem safely and efficiently.
How can I tell if it's bed bug bites?It's easy to mistake bed bug bites for other insect bites. However, bed bug bites are typically in a line or cluster and occur on the face, neck, arms, hands, and any other body parts that are exposed while you're sleeping. In contrast, fleas and mosquitoes tend to bite on areas of the body that are not normally covered by clothing. Bed bug bites can be red and itchy, but often don't cause any other symptoms.
Are bed bugs dangerous?Bed bugs are not known to transmit any diseases. However, their bites can be itchy and uncomfortable, becoming infected if scratched. Additionally, bed bug infestations can cause stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. It is important to contact a qualified exterminator as soon as possible if you think you have a bed bug infestation to avoid any further discomfort or health risks.
Ant Control
What kinds of problems can ants cause?Some species of ants, such as carpenter ants, can cause structural damage to homes and buildings. Odorous house ants can emit a foul odor when crushed, and pharaoh ants can spread diseases. Most ant species are harmless to humans; however, they can be very annoying and may contaminate food sources. It's best to eliminate them as soon as possible.
Why do I have an ant infestation?Ants are attracted to areas where food is available and entry points into the building exist. Conditions such as excess moisture, warm temperatures, and vegetation that touches the structure can also attract them. Susceptible homes should be routinely inspected for signs of activity and sealed up if necessary. At Bayonne Exterminating, we can help you take the necessary steps to prevent future infestations.
How can I prevent future infestations?Prevention is the best way to keep ants away. Steps you can take include sealing entry points, removing food sources, and trimming back vegetation that is in contact with the structure. Additionally, scheduling routine inspections with pest control professionals like the team at Bayonne Exterminating can help identify and prevent any potential ant problems before they become a problem.
Yellow Jackets
What are yellow jackets?
Yellow jackets are a type of stinging insect and eco-important pests. Through their feeding habits, they help to control populations of dangerous and nuisance insects.
We identify yellow jackets by their black and yellow color combination. Other physical features include:
- An abdomen sloped downward from the head
- Pointed hind end
- A defined, thin waist
- A smooth stinger extending from the hind end
- Long, thin, transparent wings that fold in on themselves
- Six legs that dangle under their body when in flight
Yellow jackets in Jersey City are a type of aggressive stinging insect; the best way to manage these pests is with the help of a professional. While yellow jackets belong in nature, they shouldn’t become fixtures in your backyard.
Are yellow jackets dangerous?
An important yellow jacket fact is that they are the species of stinging insect responsible for causing the most stings in the United States. Their smooth stingers allow yellow jackets to deliver multiple painful stings to any person or animal they view as a threat. When yellow jackets are alarmed and feel the need to attack, they release pheromones that alert other members of their colony to help drive away the threat.
When yellow jackets deliver their stings, they inject their venom. Allergic reactions to yellow jacket venom can range from mild to severe and life-threatening.
Having yellow jackets swarming your property puts you, your kids, and your pets at risk of their painful, dangerous stings. Through each sting, yellow jackets inject venom into their victim. Allergic reactions to yellow jacket venom can range from mild to severe to life-threatening.
Never hesitate to contact a professional for help removing these pests from your property.
Why do I have a yellow jacket problem?
Yellow jackets are pests that live outside; they are opportunistic and will become comfortable on any property that offers them access to their basic needs. Problems with yellow jackets regularly occur in our Jersey City backyards because they provide these pests multiple places to find food, build safe nesting sites, and have access to water.
When there is a lot of activity in your yard, especially around the nest, the vibrations can cause these pests to become active and agitated and create large swarms.
Where will I find yellow jackets?
Yellow jackets are active during the spring, summer, and late fall. People regularly see them out and about during the day, foraging for food to bring back to the nest. Their colony grows gradually throughout the spring and summer and, by fall, is at maximum capacity. In the fall, yellow jackets are the most aggressive because they are vying for the last remaining food sources.
Yellow jackets feed on sweets and proteins and, in addition to insects, have their nutritional needs met by foraging for food in trash cans, gardens, and outdoor eating areas.
They find water in our backyards from birdbaths, clogged gutters, leaking hoses, and pet water bowls. We often discover yellow jacket nests in tree stumps, wood piles, tree hollows, bushes, shrubs, and under eaves or porches.
How do I get rid of yellow jackets?
Getting rid of yellow jackets is best accomplished with the help of an experienced pest control professional. At first notice of yellow jackets swarming your property, reach out to us at Bayonne Exterminating. We are well-equipped to deal with any size yellow jacket infestation and will perform the treatments necessary to remove them. We are here to help you safely deal with yellow jackets and help you enjoy your yard without the threat of being stung by these and other stinging insects. To learn more about stinging insect control in Jersey City, please contact us today.
How can I prevent yellow jackets in the future?
Prevent problems with yellow jackets with the help of the following prevention tips:
- Remove potential nesting sites like fallen trees, wood piles, overgrown tree branches, and tree stumps.
- Fill in ground holes that offer potential nesting sites.
- Place tight-fitting lids on outdoor trash cans and compost bins.
- After eating outside, promptly clean up leftover food and drinks.
- Place garden areas away from the outside of your home and limit the flowering vegetation planted in your yard, especially near your home’s windows, doors, and outdoor seating areas.
For help keeping yellow jackets away from your property, call us today to learn about the best stinging insect control near you.
What are ticks?
Ticks are arachnids, meaning they are related to spiders and scorpions. They are also external parasites, which means they feed on your blood but do not enter your body, similar to fleas and mosquitoes. Instead of getting inside your body, ticks embed themselves into your skin for up to several days in order to become swollen with your blood. Only then do they drop off and digest in preparation for their next meal.
Are ticks dangerous?
Ticks have the potential to be very dangerous because of the diseases they spread. There is a wide variety of diseases that different types of ticks can carry and transmit from one host to another. Lyme disease is one of the most common and dangerous illnesses spread by ticks. If not caught early, this bacterial infection can leave permanent damage to your nervous and cardiovascular systems. This is why tick protection is not something you can afford to skip.
Why do I have a tick problem?
Most of the time, you develop a tick infestation because some host has brought ticks onto your property, and they have started to breed. It could be rodents or wildlife infesting your yard or house. It could be pets that spend time outdoors, such as free-range cats. It could even be you bringing ticks onto your own property if you spent time in the woods and inadvertently picked them up. It's very easy for these little hitchhikers to sneak a ride home with you.
Where will I find ticks?
Ticks are not one of those pests that typically get in your house, as they generally infest the outside of your property. They like to breed in places where they can drop onto you or crawl up from below., which means you will find them in tall grass, bushes, trees, and other areas of thick brush where they have plenty of shelter to wait for a host to walk by.
How do I get rid of ticks?
Unfortunately, it is not all that easy to get rid of ticks once you have an active infestation. Once ticks are breeding, they quickly spread throughout your property, meaning that most products like sprays or foggers will not take care of them because it's just not possible for you to reach all of them with these products. You might temporarily reduce your population, but without professional home pest control treatments, you will not get rid of it entirely. That's where we come in.
Here at Bayonne Exterminating, our tick treatment products and methods are the best in the business. We will not just temporarily reduce the parasite load on your property. We aim to eliminate the tick population altogether to protect you from the diseases these nasty bugs spread.
How can I prevent ticks in the future?
If you want to avoid having to deal with tick removalat all, there are plenty of measures you can take to prevent them from invading your property. Try things like:
- Keep your pets on year-round preventive flea and tick medication.
- Protect yourself from ticks when going out to the wilderness.
- Deal with wildlife infestations promptly.
Keeping the hosts of ticks off your property is the best way to keep ticks themselves off your property. But if you wind up with a breeding population of these pesky parasites anyway, don't hesitate to give the Jersey City pest control professionals a call here at Bayonne Exterminating.
What are termites?
Termites are tiny insects that have the potential to cause severe damage to structures because of their feeding habits. Termites feed on the cellulose found in trees and wood. Unfortunately for us, wood is the most widely used building material, making termites a severe threat to the structures of all our homes and businesses.
Subterranean termites are social and live in colonies with hundreds of thousands of members. They have high moisture needs, nest in the ground, and prefer to feed on wet or decaying wood.
Termites divide their colonies into castes: reproductive females and males, soldiers, and workers. Workers comprise most of a termite colony and are tasked with most of the work, such as:
- Finding food sources
- Gathering food
- Maintaining and cleaning the nest
- Caring for young developing termites
Worker termites invade our homes and create the damage these pests are famous for causing.
Termites' ability to work together, invade spaces in large numbers, and move to and from structures without being seen cause these pests to be tough to control and prevent.
Are termites dangerous?
Termites are natural recyclers feeding on and releasing nutrients from decaying wood back into the ground. However, termites are destructive when they find their way into our structures. Because Eastern subterranean termites are drawn to properties and structures with wet or decaying wood, their presence is an indicator that not only do you have a termite infestation on your property but likely a moisture problem you need to address and repair.
The termite's feeding habits cause costly structural damage inside homes and other structures. As a group, termites generate billions of dollars in damage to structures across the U.S. each year. Termite damage is viewed by most insurance companies as preventable, so most will not pay to repair the damage they cause. Keeping termites out of your home is essential to its structural integrity and your bank account.
Why do I have a termite problem?
Eastern subterranean termites are attracted to moisture and decaying wood. Hence, properties with or near areas with poor drainage, wood construction debris, and dead trees are most prone to experience problems with termites.
If your home has clogged gutters, leaky spigots, or dripping air conditioners, the soil around the perimeter of your home will become damp and draw foraging termites to your home. As worker termites are out looking for places to forage for food, they can move inside your home through cracks in the foundation or pieces of wood on your home making direct contact with the ground.
Once inside, they move behind your home's walls, searching for wet or decaying pieces of wood that provide their colony with a food source.
Where will I find termites?
Termites spend their time in their nest, pieces of wood, or traveling through the soil or mud tubes. While all three locations are different, they all have one thing in common; they keep the termites out of our sight.
The termite's ability to stay hidden from view makes identifying a termite problem on your property tricky. Knowing common signs of a termite infestation is crucial in limiting the damage these pests can cause.
Signs of termites in a home include:
- Hearing clicking noise behind the walls of your home
- Noticing paint on walls that are blistered
- Finding that your home’s floors feel spongy when you walk across them.
- Seeing mud tubes running across the ground toward your home or up the foundation or basement walls
- Witnessing a termite swarm, which occurs when winged reproductive termites swarm from a mature termite colony to find a mate
For help identifying the presence of termites on your property, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you and protect your Jersey City property against these destructive pests.
How do I get rid of termites?
If you are concerned that termites have found their way to your property, immediately contact a professional. The longer you wait to get help, the more damage these wood-eating pests will cause. Bayonne Exterminating offers effective home pest control and commercial pest control services you can count on to eliminate termites and help you maintain a termite-free property in the future.
Our termite service includes a termite inspection, initial service, and re-service visits as needed. Our professionals have the knowledge, skill, and advanced technology to eradicate these destructive pests. Whether you are currently dealing with a termite infestation or want to prevent problems with these wood-destroying pests, we can help; call today to learn more about termite control in Jersey City.
How can I prevent termites in the future?
Use the following tips to reduce the chance of a termite infestation taking over your property:
- Ensure your home’s gutters are clear and rainwater is being directed away from your home’s exterior.
- Eliminate as much wood-to-soil contact on your property as possible, especially wooden siding, trim, and steps.
- Remove tree stumps, fallen trees, and wood debris from your property.
- Repair any leaky pipes, tubs, or toilets in your home.
- Repair any cracks or gaps you discover in the foundation of your home.
Another helpful tip to avoid termite damage is to use dehumidifiers in your home to reduce excess moisture. In addition, make sure crawl spaces are clear of wood debris and are well ventilated. For termite control near you, reach out to Bayonne Exterminating today.
Stinging Insects
What are stinging insects?
Stinging insects are any insects that possess venom and use a rear stinger to inject it into predators and prey. Wasps use their venom to eliminate other insects that they eat as food. Bees mainly use their stingers to guard their nests from predators. Other types of stinging insects include hornets, which are a type of wasp, yellow jackets, and more.
Are stinging insects dangerous?
Not all types of stinging insects are the same when it comes to threat levels. Some wasps, like the mud wasp, are passive and have minorly painful stings. Other species, like the paper wasp, are more aggressive and have moderate to severely painful stings. Although multiple stings from most stinging insects are a serious threat to your health, for some people, a single sting is enough to be threatening. Check with your doctor to find out if you have an allergy to venom and if you should make a concerted effort to avoid stinging insects.
Why do I have a stinging insect problem?
Stinging insects do not require much to survive. All they need is a reliable source of food and a place to build their nest. Most wasps and bees feed off of sweet things like nectar, honeydew, and sugary foods. Some wasp species will also eat insects, meat, and other forms of protein. If they are able to find tasty treats in your garden, trash can, and other places on your property, these pests will want to build a nest nearby.
Where will I find stinging insects?
If you see a stinging insect on your property, you might wonder where it came from or if it is living nearby. Doing so carefully, you can check around for these pests, or rather for their nests. You will find wasp nests on the side of buildings, in trees, and in holes in the ground. You will find bee hives inside hollow areas and occasionally inside holes in wooden structures. If these pests are not at home, they will be flying around looking for food nearby their nests.
How do I get rid of stinging insects?
Most people want to know how to prevent insect stings and avoid these pests altogether. Your absolute best option is to hire a home pest control and commercial pest control professional when you notice an increase in activity on your property. Our team at Bayonne Exterminating is equipped to safely deal with these local insect threats wherever they are hiding. Let us pay you a visit to assess bee and wasp infestations near your home or business and offer stinging insect control solutions to remove these pests fast. Call now to learn more.
How can I prevent stinging insects in the future?
What are silverfish?
Aptly named, silverfish are a silver-colored arthropod known for their fish-like movements. Found on almost every continent and in cities throughout New Jersey, there are approximately 18 different species of silverfish in the United States alone.
It doesn’t take much to identify a silverfish near your home or business. Apart from their silvery ‘scales’ and rapid movements, you can tell them apart from other pests by:
- Their long, tapered bodies
- Their long antenna
- Their metallic coloring and fast, wriggling movements
If you’re struggling to identify silverfish on your own, you can contact the professionals at Bayonne Exterminating for help.
Are silverfish dangerous?
The good news is that silverfish don’t bite, sting, pinch, or otherwise attack people or pets. These creatures don’t feed on other animals and are largely pacifist when it comes to confrontation.
The bad news is that silverfish can be extraordinarily destructive when left to their own devices. These pests quickly eat through book bindings, adhesives, and carpet, and make short work of paper goods like photographs. Some silverfish can eat paint and plaster when hungry enough, or turn to the closet for a snack of cotton, silk, or satin.
Unless you get your silverfish infestation under control fast, you may wind up with significant damage to your personal property.
Why do I have a silverfish problem?
If you have any moisture problems around your home or business, you’re likely to have asilverfish infestation. These pests require relative humidity of at least 75%, which means standing water, leaking pipes, and poorly maintained drains create a perfect interior habitat.
Outside the home, silverfish look for damp, dark areas to feed on cellulose and lay their eggs. If you have improperly stacked firewood or unturned compost piles near your home, you may be attracting hordes of silverfish (and all their predators as well).
Where will I find silverfish?
You can find silverfish in any location with plenty of water, shade, and food.
Outside the home, you can usually find silverfish hiding underneath rocks or firewood piles. Inside, you can find silverfish crawling around bathrooms, kitchens, and under sink areas. Attics and basements are common places for silverfish to mate and lay eggs, especially if you have a history of moisture problems in those spaces.
How do I get rid of silverfish?
It can be difficult if not impossible to get rid of silverfish on your own. Not only can these insects lay hundreds of eggs per year, but they don’t always respond well to conventional products and DIY efforts.
If you’re looking to control silverfish populations quickly, safely, and hassle-free, Bayonne Exterminating can help. We have years of experience controlling pest populations and hundreds of positive outcomes. We’ve never faced a silverfish infestation we couldn’t handle – and that’s the truth!
Call us today to get a quote forsilverfish control in Bayonne.
How can I prevent silverfish in the future?
Need some ideas for preventing silverfish near Bayonne? You can rely on the following tips to keep your property safe:
- Mitigate moisture issues as much as possible. This means running a dehumidifier in problem spaces or hanging desiccant bags to capture humidity.
- Repair clogged drains and leaky pipes to ensure the proper flow of water. You may need to contact a professional repair company to investigate plumbing issues.
- Maintain your outdoor space as much as possible. This means trimming trees, mowing the lawn, and removing vegetation from the sides of the home.
- Stack all firewood piles at least 25 feet from your building. If you notice any logs rotting or falling out of the stack, remove, burn, or restack them immediately.
For the most effective prevention, pursue professional residential or commercial pest control services to set up scheduled maintenance for your property.
What are rodents?
Rodents are mammals that are defined by the pair of constantly growing incisors that they have in both their upper and lower jaws. From the biggest capybara to the smallest jerboa, all rodents have these pairs of incisors and have to constantly grind them down to keep them at the right length. This is one of the biggest reasons why rodents are such a problem. However, we don’t have any capybaras or jerboas in New Jersey. We’re stuck with something a lot worse: rats and mice.
Are rodents dangerous?
Rodents, especially rats and mice, are one of the most dangerous pests you can get in your house. Their need to file down their teeth leads them to constantly chew on items in your home, and sometimes these can include things like plumbing and even electrical wiring. Rodents also spread a variety of diseases that can make you very sick. They contaminate virtually everything they touch, and a house with rodents always poses a threat to your health.
Why do I have a rodent problem?
Most of the time, house rodents such as rats and mice come inside because you have some sort of attractant that is bringing them in. Common rodent attractants include:
- Uncovered garbage
- Improperly sealed pantry stores
- Pet foods and bowls
- Air conditioning and heating
- Hiding and nesting spots
- Water sources
As you can see, the list of rodent attractants is quite long and includes just about everything you have in your house. This is part of why it is so hard to deter them.
Where will I find rodents?
Rodents do not like to come into contact with people. This means you may never find live rodents, even if you have a serious infestation. This, in turn, means you will have to look for other signs of their presence, such as rodent damage, nests, feces, and scurrying sounds inside your walls and ceilings. On occasion, you may see a live rodent. If you do, it will likely be in an area with low foot traffic, such as your basement or attic.
How do I get rid of rodents?
Unfortunately, it is not an easy task to get rid of rodents. We talked a little bit above about how over-the-counter traps and baits cannot stop these pesky pests. This is why the best thing you can do to get rid of rodents once you have them is to call the experts here at Bayonne Exterminating to learn about our home pest control and commercial pest control solutions. Rodents may be able to outcompete store-bought solutions, but they can't outcompete us.
How can I prevent rodents in the future?
The best way to control rodents is to avoid a rodent infestation to begin with. You can do this by making it much harder for them to access the things that attract them. Make sure you are storing all your pantry foods in airtight containers, including pet foods. Keep all indoor and outdoor garbage cans covered tightly. Make sure holes and gaps in your home's exterior are sealed tight to prevent rodent entry. Get rid of clutter to eliminate rodent hiding spots.
Taking these measures can go a long way towards making your home less attractive to rodents, but if even these measures do not keep rodents at bay, don't hesitate to call the rat and mouse experts here at Bayonne Exterminating.
Norway Rats
What are Norway rats?
Norway rats, colloquially known as brown rats or street rats, are one of the larger species of household rodents in Bayonne. With a solid build, blunt nose, and a tail that’s notably shorter than their body, they're fairly easy to identify. Their fur, coarse in texture, ranges from shades of brown to gray, giving them a distinct look. These rodents have mastered the art of urban survival and are often found lurking around human settlements.
Are Norway rats dangerous?
Norway rats aren’t merely an unsettling sight; they’re a health hazard. Acting as carriers for an array of diseases, including the likes of salmonellosis and leptospirosis, they can quickly turn a seemingly harmless environment into a danger zone. Additionally, their incessant need to gnaw means they can wreak havoc on your property. This includes damaging structures, causing potential fire hazards by chewing through wires, and leaving behind a trail of destroyed personal belongings. It’s crucial to get rid of rats in your home as soon as you know they’re there.
Why do I have a Norway rat problem?
Norway rats, being the crafty creatures they are, thrive in environments where food and shelter are readily available. If your property is unintentionally offering a buffet, like unsealed garbage bins or pet food left outside, it can quickly lead to a rat problem. Similarly, if they can find cozy spots to nest, they're likely to stick around for the long term.
Where will I find Norway rats?
These creatures have made themselves at home in a range of environments. Indoors, their preference is for quieter, less frequented spots; basements, attics, and within the confines of walls make for ideal nesting spots. Outside, they often create burrows, especially if they're close to consistent food sources like garbage bins, gardens, or compost piles.
How do I get rid of Norway rats?
Norway rats breed quickly and are notorious for their evasive tactics. While some DIY methods promise results, they often fall short in fully addressing a Norway rat infestation. These rodents are cunning, reproduce quickly, and can evade common traps and baits. For a comprehensive home pest control solution that ensures these pests are truly gone, turning to professionals like us is the wisest choice. At Bayonne Exterminating, our Norway rat control services are specifically designed to address and eliminate these pest problems, ensuring your peace of mind.
How can I prevent Norway rats in the future?
Future-proofing your property against Norway rats is a mix of vigilance and proactive measures. Some steps you can take include:
Regularly inspect your property for signs of rat activity.
Ensure all food sources are securely sealed, indoors and out.
Reduce potential shelter spots, like piles of wood or debris.
Seek professional Norway rat pest control at the earliest signs of an infestation.
While Norway rats are formidable pests, they're not unbeatable. Armed with knowledge and the right strategies, you can keep them at bay. And remember, when it comes to ensuring the best Norway rat control in Bayonne, Bayonne Exterminating is your trusted partner. Contact us at the first sign of these pests in your home or business.
What are mosquitoes?
The mosquito is a type of small biting fly. These insects are prolific breeders that take over our outdoor spaces and ruin people’s ability to spend time outside.
These winged insects have a narrow oval body that is usually gray and sometimes covered in iridescent scales. Some species have white markings on their legs and abdomen. Other identifying physical features include feather-like antennae, long thin legs, and a long piercing mouthpart known as a proboscis. Their proboscis allows mosquitoes to feed on liquids.
Plant nectar and other sweet liquids are the primary food sources for male and female mosquitoes. Female mosquitoes also must supplement their diet with blood meals to get the nutrients they require to produce healthy eggs.
Are mosquitoes dangerous?
Though mosquitoes are tiny and their frail bodies are easily crushed, they are considered one of the world’s most dangerous animals. They are vectors of many diseases and parasites that cause serious illness and death worldwide.
While the spread of disease by mosquitoes in the United States isn’t as severe as in other parts of the world, it is still a concern. Therefore, limiting your contact with them is always best. Diseases and parasites that mosquito bites spread include:
- West Nile virus
- Eastern equine encephalitis
- Parasitic heartworms (dogs and cats)
On a day-to-day basis, mosquitoes are annoying pests. They swarm us in large numbers, deliver itchy bites, and limit the time we can comfortably spend outside.
Why do I have a mosquito problem?
You will find mosquitoes living in large numbers in areas that provide the females with breeding sites. Female mosquitoes like to lay their eggs on top of areas of standing water.
Common breeding sites in backyards include low-lying areas, wading pools, containers such as buckets, wheelbarrows, and plant pots, pet water bowls, clogged gutters, and drainage ditches.
Mosquito populations tend to increase after periods of rainfall when there are plentiful amounts of standing water for the females to lay their eggs. The more standing water that collects on or near your property, the more issues you will have with mosquitoes.
Where will I find mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes find their way to outdoor spaces offering food, breeding sites, and daytime resting spots. These pests tend to be most problematic in wooded areas and outdoor spaces with a lot of grass and other vegetation. These biting pests frequently overrun Jersey City backyards, parks, athletic fields, and walking trails.
The majority of mosquitoes are most active at dusk and dawn. During the day's heat, they try to escape the sun by resting in shade areas. Tall grass, weeds, decks, trees, woodpiles, and yard debris are popular mosquito resting spots.
Mosquitoes are primarily outdoor pests, but like other species of flies, they will enter our homes through open windows and doors.
How do I get rid of mosquitoes?
Partnering with Bayonne Exterminating and implementing our effective mosquito control services is the best way to control populations of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are flying outdoor pests and are frustrating to keep out of our backyards. By working together, we can significantly reduce the presence of mosquitoes on your property. Our mosquito treatments will ensure that you and your family can enjoy your backyard.
We offer quality home pest control and commercial pest control services you can depend on to meet the needs of your family and property. Learn more about mosquito control in Jersey City by reaching out and speaking to one of our helpful professionals.
How do I prevent mosquitoes in the future?
The following mosquito prevention tips will help make your property a less suitable habitat for mosquitoes.
- Take away popular daytime resting spots by keeping grass cut short, regularly pruning trees and shrubs, and removing yard debris.
- Reduce breeding sites on your property by eliminating as many areas of standing water as possible.
- Store containers like plant pots and buckets that collect rainwater upside down or inside when they aren’t in use.
- Keep rain gutters clear of debris that can collect rainwater.
- Don’t overwater garden areas.
- Plant plants that keep mosquitoes away around outdoor seating and eating areas, including marigolds, citronella, and lemongrass.
For the best mosquito control in Jersey City, call Bayonne Exterminating today!
Indian Meal Moths
What are Indian meal moths?
Indian meal moths are a type of tiny moth that commonly invade properties in New Jersey. They are small, slim, and light to medium brown. Obviously, they are not the flashiest of moths, and this is part of what allows an infestation of them to go undetected. However, these moths are not much of a problem when they are adults; it's the larvae that do the damage.
Are Indian meal moths dangerous?
As a general rule, Indian meal moths are not dangerous. They do not bite or sting, they don't spread disease, and they can't destroy property that isn't food. They can contaminate food and cause you to have to throw it out, but this is the extent of the property damage they can do.
One way these pests can cause danger is by attracting moth predators like spiders. Moths may attract these venomous pests into your home, and they can potentially be more of an issue than the moths themselves.
Why do I have an Indian meal moth problem?
Just about every house has items inside that could attract Indian meal moths. Indian meal moth larvae eat a wide variety of common pantry foods, such as:
- Cereal
- Pasta
- Bread
- Pet food
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Flour
- Dried fruit
- Sugar
- Spices
- Corn starch
This means a lot of times winding up with an infestation of these pests is just a matter of bad luck. Maybe you left a door open too long. Maybe your window screen had a rip. Maybe moths are drawn to your exterior lights. All it takes is one female moth getting inside and laying eggs.
Where will I find Indian meal moths?
You'll find Indian meal moth larvae hanging out in their favorite foods. Most of the time, you will not even be looking for them. You will just open a package of food, and they will be in it, or you may find it already ruined. Adult Indian meal moths, meanwhile, will most likely be flying around light sources inside your home, just like any other moth.
How do I get rid of Indian meal moths?
Indian meal moth control can be a huge pain if you already have an infestation. The reality is if you find larvae in one of your pantry items, there is a high likelihood you will find them in other pantry items as well. This can sometimes result and you having to throw out everything in your pantry.
The good news is there's a better way. Here at Bayonne Exterminating, we have the home pest control treatment products and methods to help you eliminate your moth infestation and take your pantry back from these disgusting, food-contaminating pests.
How can I prevent Indian meal moths in the future?
Indian meal moth prevention is a lot easier with pest control in Jersey City. The good news is there is a whole lot more you can do in the prevention department than you can do after you already wind up with an infestation. To prevent these moths, ensure you are storing all your pantry foods in airtight containers to prevent adult moths from being able to lay eggs in your dry goods.
Also, make sure you are turning off your exterior lights and keeping blinds closed at night to reduce the light sources that these moths may find attractive. And if you wind up with an infestation despite your best efforts, we are standing at the ready here at Bayonne Exterminating.
House Mice
What are house mice?
House mice are rodents that are known for their prolific nature and skill at squeezing into homes and businesses through any gap or crack they can. House mice are small, typically only two to three inches long, and they have round bodies complete with fur that ranges in color from light brown to gray. They have lighter-colored underbellies, pointed muzzles, and round ears.
House mice infestations tend to get out of control very quickly due to the rapid reproduction cycle of this pest, and dealing with a mouse infestation is best left to the professionals if you want to get rid of these rodents for good.
Are house mice dangerous?
House mice infestations are dangerous to have around your property due to several different factors. The main problem with this rodent is the many diseases mice carry. Mice will scavenge throughout your property and leave bacteria across surfaces and within food preparation areas. This leads to a high risk of illnesses such as leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and typhus.
Mice will also soil your property with their droppings and urine; this waste may also dry up and become airborne, further spreading disease. Additionally, all rodents must chew or gnaw constantly to keep their front teeth in shape. Mice can chew through wires, brick, wood, and pipes around your property, resulting in costly damage and the risk of electrical shorts and significant destruction.
Why do I have a house mouse problem?
House mice are attracted to properties that offer them secluded and dark places to live, plenty of food within easy reach, and excess moisture to drink from. If you are noticing a house mouse problem on your property, you likely have many of these factors on display, along with gaps and cracks that let mice into the interior areas of your property.
The best way to get rid of mice is by addressing and removing these mouse attractants.
Where will I find house mice?
House mice like to hide in dark, secluded, and quiet areas around your property. You will most likely find mice around food storage areas, in the space between walls, around attics or basements, or inside crawl spaces. Outdoors, house mice prefer to hide around wood piles, overgrown foliage, and dumpsters or trash cans.
How do I get rid of house mice?
Get rid of mice invading your property the easy way with the assistance of Bayonne Exterminating. Our professional home pest control team will work with you to understand your house mouse problem and inspect your property for signs of entry points and other conducive conditions. We utilize baiting, bait stations, and trapping as part of our rodent control plans, and you can count on us to eradicate house mice from your property.
Contact us today for a free estimate.
How can I prevent house mice in the future?
Prevent future house mice problems in Jersey City by following our expert tips below:
Seal cracks around your home’s foundation, windows, doors, and roofing, as this helps keep mice outside.
Utilize window and door screens where possible, install weatherstripping and door sweeps, and place mesh screens over vented areas near crawl spaces and attics.
Store all leftover food properly and clean up food and drink spills promptly to stop the aroma from attracting mice.
Dispose of all trash in tightly sealed bags and use trash cans with tight-fitting lids outdoors to prevent scavenging.
For more information on mouse prevention or mouse removal, contact Bayonne Exterminating today.
What are flies?
Flies are insects that belong to the order Diptera. They are characterized by their two sets of wings, one of which is used for flying, and the other for changing direction. Many types of flies can be found in our area. Some of the most common species include house flies, fruit flies, fungus flies, and drain flies. These species behave similarly inside homes and businesses but have very different feeding and breeding habits. Your goal should not be to understand each unique species, but rather to understand how to best control them indoors.
Are flies dangerous?
Flies are deceptive pests. Although they do not look dangerous, they are considered to be a real threat to your health. This is because of the many disease-causing organisms they are capable of carrying and spreading. House flies alone spread things like cholera, salmonellosis, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis. There have even been cases where these nasty little insects transfer anthrax. If you have these pests indoors, clean frequently and find a quick way to deal with your active infestation.
Why do I have a fly problem?
There are many reasons that flies might choose to invade your property. To start, these pests are highly food-motivated. Most invasions start when these insects buzz through a hole, gap, or opening in a building's exterior and find something tasty indoors. Sometimes people bring flies indoors without knowing it. This happens most frequently with fruit flies, as these pests are capable of laying their eggs on fruits and vegetables that people buy at places like grocery stores and farmer's markets.
Where will I find flies?
Flies are not shy creatures. You will find these insects all around your interior spaces. They will land on TV screens, plates of food, your body, and anywhere else they please. If even one fly is around, chances are you will know about it before too long. The only problem is that slapping one of these pests almost never solves the problem.
How do I get rid of flies?
Getting rid of flies is no easy task. It takes a lot of knowledge to deal with these pests on local properties. If you are looking for the easiest and most effective form of fly control, we would like to offer our assistance. Our team at Bayonne Exterminating is equipped to handle these insects and other pest problems you are facing. Call us today to learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services and find your permanent solution to flies.
How can I prevent flies in the future?
You have two options to prevent flies from getting indoors. The first option involves utilizing prevention tips like sealing gaps and cracks in your building’s exterior or keeping your interior spaces clean. A more effective and stress-free option involves hiring the professionals at Bayonne Exterminating. We have everything you need to identify and deal with all sorts of pest problems, including dangerous flies. Reach out to us now to make an appointment for your home or business and say goodbye to flies for good.
What are fleas?
Fleas are a species of flightless insects from the Siphonaptera order. They require the blood of warm-blooded mammals to survive and eventually fertilize their eggs. Here in Jersey City, the cat flea is the most common species to plague people and pets. These insects only reach 1/12 to 1/8 of an inch in size, although they can jump up to 12 inches or more while hopping from host to host.
Are fleas dangerous?
Fleas are credited with the spread of several serious diseases, including murine typhus, tularemia, and tungiasis. However, they’re far less likely to affect human populations apart from an itchy bite. On pets, flea bites can spread dangerous diseases and parasites that induce serious medical issues. Severe infestations may cause bartonellosis or anemia or spread serious tapeworm infestations.
If you think or know that a flea infestation is beginning to take root around your property, you need to contact a professional pest control like Bayonne Exterminating immediately.
Why do I have a flea problem?
You may be experiencing a flea problem if you own an indoor pet. Cats, dogs, and even parrots are known to carry fleas. Keep in mind that wildlife animals may also contribute to your flea population. If you’ve seen raccoons, opossums, skunks, or squirrels around your lawn, you may experience higher-than-average flea activity.
If you don’t own a pet or live near wildlife, you may have picked up fleas from someone else. If a friend, loved one, or family member has fleas, they’re likely to follow you home as well.
Where will I find fleas?
Fleas typically prefer shady areas with a great deal of outdoor moisture. Inside, they may live under the fur of your cat or dog or survive on carpets or rugs.
One way to identify the presence of fleas is with the "sock test." Put on pure white socks to at least knee-high length, then shuffle through the suspected area. Any tiny black specks found on the exterior of your socks may be a sign of a flea infestation.
How do I get rid of fleas?
Fleas are difficult to remove from a home once deeply rooted in the surrounding environment. After bringing your pets to the vet for treatment, consider calling the professionals at Bayonne Exterminating. Our team of experts can perform effective flea control within just a few weeks of visiting your property. Plus, we provide a six-month warranty to reinforce your peace of mind. Feel free to give us a call today and discuss your home pest control and commercial pest control options in greater detail.
How can I prevent fleas in the future?
The best way to get rid of fleas and prevent their reemergence is to take the following preventive actions:
- Have your dogs and cats treated for fleas by a trained veterinarian. You can opt for flea collars, topical treatments, or oral medications depending on your preferences.
- Keep the grass, trees, and shrubs around your property well-trimmed and maintained. The fewer shady areas there are around your property, the lower your risks may be for flea infestations.
- Wear long-sleeved clothing while out in the yard, especially near overgrown areas. You may want to tuck your pants into your socks for an extra layer of protection.
- Eliminate unnecessary outdoor moisture from puddles, potholes, or toys. Consider addressing interior moisture concerns as well, including leaky pipes or clogged drains.
- Regularly wash your cat and dog beds, including any blankets or fuzzy toys. It may be wise to throw away older bedding that may harbor flea eggs or nymphs.
- Caulk and seal any cracks and gaps around the interior of your property. You may want to opt for waterproof sealants that can last the test of time.
By putting these tips into action, you can help prevent future flea problems for you and your pets.
What are cockroaches?
Cockroaches are extremely common omnivorous insects. They are actually quite important in the wild because they help the process of decay. However, their penchant for eating decaying things gives them some filthy habits that have no place in your home.
Some of the most common types of cockroaches you will see in our area include American, German, and oriental cockroaches. Each of these roaches is its own separate species, but they all have similar looks and behaviors.
Are cockroaches dangerous?
Cockroaches are extremely dangerous because they carry a wide variety of diseases. Cockroaches can spread diseases in several different ways. They may drag them in on their filthy feet. They may leave droppings in your food or on prep surfaces. They can also die and decay in your home, contaminating the air.
Some of the most common diseases that a cockroach infestation can spread are:
- Cholera
- Dysentery
- Gastroenteritis
- Giardiasis
- Leprosy
- Listeriosis
- Salmonellosis
- Typhoid fever
Ensuring cockroaches stay out of your house is the only way to ensure you will not be eating roach-contaminated food in your own home.
Why do I have a cockroach problem?
Most of the time, you wind up with a cockroach problem because you are inadvertently attracting them inside by failing to follow cockroach prevention best practices. The things that can attract cockroaches to your home are pretty innocuous, and you may not even recognize them. They can be as simple as leaving an uncovered cookie jar on your counter or having overly loose lids for your garbage. That's how easy it is to attract roaches.
Where will I find cockroaches?
The reality is you may never actually find live cockroaches, even if you have a serious infestation. Cockroaches do not like to come into contact with people. Furthermore, they are mostly nocturnal animals and are most active when you are asleep. This means instead of looking for roaches, you will need to look for signs of cockroaches, including:
- A musty or foul odor
- Roach feces
- Roach egg capsules
- Roach exoskeletons
- Dead roach bodies
- Smear marks
If you start seeing more than one of these signs, it is a safe bet that you have a cockroach infestation, even if you are not seeing them scurrying around.
How do I get rid of cockroaches?
Unfortunately, the reality is that getting rid of a cockroach infestation is practically impossible for your average home or business owner. This is especially true when it comes to German cockroach control because these particular roaches are fast breeders. Even so, all roaches are still tough as nails and very hard to kill in large numbers. That's where we come in.
Here at Bayonne Exterminating, cockroaches may be able to run, but they can't hide, and they cannot escape our battery of roach control products. So don't waste your time with ineffective and potentially toxic store-bought products. Just contact us for the best home pest control and commercial pest control available.
Cigarette & Drugstore Beetles
What are cigarette and drugstore beetles?
Cigarette and drugstore beetles are among the most common types of beetles that infest stored products. They can't handle the cold, so they aren't just attracted to the foods in your pantry but also to the temperature control inside your home. This means they are highly motivated to get in not only because of food but also because of the temperate indoor climate of your house.
Are cigarette and drugstore beetles dangerous?
Cigarette drugstore beetles are not considered dangerous. They are a nuisance pest because they do not carry diseases like cockroaches do, and they cannot sting or bite. However, they can destroy the foods in your pantry, and they can contaminate both foodstuffs and surfaces with their droppings, exoskeletons, and other bodily excretions. So while you don't have to worry about getting a horrible disease from them or suffering thousands of dollars in damage, you will likely have to throw out a lot of the things in your pantry if you wind up with these beetles.
Why do I have a cigarette and drugstore beetle problem?
Cigarette and drugstore beetles are attracted to two main things in your home: its warmth and its pantry goodies. These beetles eat a wide variety of different pantry items, including:
- Seeds
- Grains
- Nuts
- Beans
- Spices
- Cornmeal
- Dried fruits and vegetables
- Flour
This means there is a huge range of attractants that can draw in these beetles, and the most important thing you can do to keep them out of your home is to ensure they cannot access the things they eat, and that's part of what makes home pest control for these beetles so hard.
Where will I find cigarette and drugstore beetles?
Because of their diet, you are most likely to find cigarette and drug store beetles in your pantry. They may be hiding out in any one of the wide variety of foods they like to eat, and they may even spread from item to item. They are especially likely to be in foods that are not properly stored, such as food stored in paper bags or improperly sealed containers.
How do I get rid of cigarette and drugstore beetles?
Getting rid of these beetles can be a hassle. The problem is that even if you find and throw out foods that are infested with these pests, you can never be sure you got them all. That's what we're here for. At Bayonne Exterminating, our pantry pest experts know how to inspect your pantry and the other parts of your house to find every last individual and ensure that they do not keep coming back.
How can I prevent cigarette and drugstore beetles in the future?
Since cigarette and drugstore beetle pest control in Jersey City is typically not easy, the best thing you can do is prevent them. You can do this in a variety of ways, but the best way is to both physically block their entry from your home and make sure your pantry foods are inaccessible to them. Aside from storing all your pantry foods in hard plastic, airtight containers, you will also want to check pet foods for contamination frequently, as pet foods are a common source of cigarette and drugstore beetle infestations.
Filling cracks and holes in your home's exterior and making sure your windows are properly screened can also help keep these annoying bugs from getting in. But if you wind up with an infestation despite your best efforts, don't forget the best local beetle control in town, Bayonne Exterminating, is just a click or call away.
What are centipedes?
Centipedes are arthropods. While there are many different types of arthropods living worldwide, they all share the following physical characteristics:
- A segmented body
- Segmented legs
- An exoskeleton, which is a hard exterior that covers the body segments
The name "centipede" means “100 legs,” yet most centipedes don’t have exactly 100 legs. The numbers of legs centipedes have depends on their species and size; in most cases, they have between 15 and 191 pairs of legs. Their many legs allow them to move quickly and easily hunt down their insect prey.
Centipedes have worm-like bodies flattened from top to bottom; each body segment contains one pair of legs. They are typically brown or yellowish-brown.
Are centipedes dangerous?
Centipedes in Jersey City do not pose significant dangers to people. However, spotting these pests darting out of a dark corner of your home is startling and leaves homeowners feeling uneasy.
Limiting contact with centipedes is always advised. They can bite people and inject their venom. Luckily a centipede's venom is usually only potent enough to harm its insect prey, not people. However, avoiding centipede bites is still best. Centipede bites are painful and are likened to a bee sting. Centipede bites typically happen when a person makes accidental contact with one of these pests, usually doing something like gardening or reaching into the back of a dark storage space.
Why do I have a centipede problem?
Centipedes are most problematic in indoor and outdoor spaces where there is an excess of moisture. These pests have high moisture needs, so areas of damp soil, piles of decaying debris, damp basements, and crawl spaces are where these pests regularly gather.
In addition to moisture, easy access to their prey is another attractant to indoor and outdoor spaces. If there are large numbers of centipedes on your property, there is likely a widespread pest problem that you need to address. To control predatory pests, you must also control the prey that attracts them.
Where will I find centipedes?
Centipedes require a constant source of moisture or they will dry up and die. Outside in our yards, centipedes gather in the damp soil found under mulch, landscaping ties, containers like trashcans, large rocks, and debris resting against your home’s foundation.
When it becomes too hot and dry outside for them to survive, they will move toward moisture. Our home's leaky pipes, spigots, faucets, and air conditioners provide the moisture these pests need for survival. Centipedes can quickly move into our homes by squeezing their flattened bodies through slight cracks in foundations and gaps under doors.
How do I get rid of centipedes?
If centipedes are regularly finding their way into your home, Bayonne Exterminating is here to help. We can provide you with quality pest control solutions necessary to remove these pests from your property, then, utilizing cutting technology, we will keep them away year-round.
Our professionals are continuously trained and have a deep understanding of our region’s pests. We know the best steps to take to control centipedes and other household pests in and around Jersey City homes. For information about our dependable home pest control and commercial pest control offerings, please reach out today.
How can I prevent centipedes in the future?
To prevent future issues with centipedes, consider the following prevention tips:
- Lower humidity levels in your home using ventilation fans and dehumidifiers.
- Quickly repair leaky pipes and spigots.
- Repair cracks in your home’s foundation.
- Install door sweeps on all exterior doors, especially basement doors.
- Remove leaves, weeds, and other piles of debris from your home’s exterior.
- Store woodpiles, trashcans, and recycling bins up off the ground.
- Keep storage areas like basements and crawl spaces clear of debris.
If you are tired of finding centipedes in your basement, we can help! Call today to learn more.
Carpenter Ants
What are carpenter ants?
Carpenter ants stand out in the world of ants. They're one of the larger species and have a striking appearance. They're usually black, but some might have reddish or yellowish hues, making them a little more fascinating than your average ant. Unlike termites, which many homeowners dread, carpenter ants don’t consume wood; instead, they meticulously hollow it out to craft their nests. Carpenter ants in your house can damage wooden structures over time, leading to repairs that can be hefty in costs.
Are carpenter ants dangerous?
While they won't bite or sting like some other pests, carpenter ants still pose a danger, albeit in a structural sense. Their intricate tunneling through wood can gradually compromise the structural integrity of a home. Furthermore, their presence often serves as a warning sign, potentially pointing to water damage or rotting wood lurking in your home, which can lead to other, more severe structural and health problems.
Why do I have a carpenter ant problem?
Pests, in general, make their way into our homes for a reason. If you're spotting carpenter ants in your house, it’s a signal to pay attention. These ants have a penchant for damp, decaying wood. Perhaps there’s an unnoticed leak or maybe a drainage issue? Issues like these can quickly escalate, making your home primed for a carpenter ant infestation.
Where will I find carpenter ants?
Carpenter ants are a bit secretive in their endeavors. In their relentless search for damp or rotting wood, carpenter ants are most commonly found in spots like window sills, decks, porches, and roof eaves. They're nature's architects, always seeking the best spot to establish their colonies. Within the confines of your home, they can set up shop in places you'd least expect, like wall voids, behind insulation, attics, or even stealthily underneath floors.
How do I get rid of carpenter ants?
Tackling pests on your own can sometimes be like solving a complex puzzle. When it comes to carpenter ant treatment, in particular, DIY methods often prove inadequate. Remember, these ants can have multiple nests, hidden away, making it a Herculean task to eliminate them entirely without some expertise. The most foolproof way to get rid of carpenter ants is to bring in the experts. And that's where our commitment stands out. Bayonne Exterminating promises comprehensive solutions, designed meticulously to ensure your home becomes an ant-free zone.
How can I prevent carpenter ants in the future?
Preventing future infestations starts with being proactive. Here are a few tips:
Keep your home dry. Repair any leaks promptly, ensure good drainage, and use dehumidifiers in damp areas.
Seal entry points. Regularly inspect your home for cracks or gaps and seal them. This not only keeps out carpenter ants but also other pests.
Store firewood away from the home. Firewood can be a breeding ground for carpenter ants. Store it at least 20 feet away from your house and keep it off the ground.
Receive regular inspections. Routine checks of your property can help spot early signs of an infestation, allowing for prompt extermination.
Carpenter ants might be small, but they can pose a big problem if left unchecked. But with the right strategies in place and the help of Bayonne Exterminating, you can ensure that your home remains carpenter ant-free. Remember, when it comes to carpenter ant removal in Bayonne, trust the pros. We've got your back!
Bed Bugs
What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are blood-feeding pests, and humans are their preferred hosts. Bed bugs are not social but live together in large groups, making them difficult to control.
What an adult bed bug looks like depends on whether they have recently fed. Before feeding, they have a flat oval body that is reddish-brown that resembles an apple seed. After eating, their body becomes elongated and engorged and they turn a deeper reddish-purple color.
Bed bugs feed on their host's blood by piercing through the skin using their specialized mouthparts. The bed bug's saliva contains an anesthetic as well as anti-clotting chemicals to ensure their hosts feel no pain while they feed. Bed bugs typically bite through the skin that is exposed while people sleep: necks, hands, arms, legs, feet, backs, and stomachs.
Are bed bugs dangerous?
Bed bugs don’t spread disease through their feeding habits, but they do cause other problems. Some people don’t have any reaction to bed bug bites and don’t even realize they have been bitten; while others can experience allergic reactions that are sometimes severe enough to need medical attention. For some people, bed bug bites can be quite itchy, and scratching at the bites can lead to a secondary infection that requires treatment.
In addition to physical health, bed bug infestations impact mental health. Knowing that bed bugs are in your home and using you and your family members as a food source is unnerving. People typically have difficulty sleeping through the night when sharing their homes with bed bugs.
The bottom line is that while bed bugs aren’t considered dangerous pests, they are undoubtedly unwanted in our homes. No one should have to share their home with bed bugs for a day longer than necessary!
Why do I have a bed bug problem?
Bed bugs thrive in urban areas like Jersey City because of the high number of multi-unit buildings and the large numbers of people moving in and out of structures on a daily basis.
A bed bug infestation typically begins after someone comes into contact with bed bugs while shopping, traveling, working, or visiting friends or family and then accidentally introduces them into their homes. These pests also move from structure to structure in things like secondhand mattresses, box springs, upholstered furniture, and rugs.
Where will I find bed bugs?
Bed bugs live in structures where people live or spend a lot of their time. Some of the most common places to discover bed bugs include houses, apartment buildings, hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, college dorms, and transportation hubs.
Bed bugs like to live as close to their food source as possible; when inside our homes, some of their most common hideouts include:
- Mattresses and box springs
- Bed frames
- Wooden headboard and footboards
- Electrical outlets
- Upholstered furniture
Regularly inspect your home for hiding bed bugs. At first sight of a bed bug in your home, immediately reach out to us at Bayonne Exterminating for help getting rid of these biting, blood-feeding pests.
How do I get rid of bed bugs?
For professional help eradicating bed bugs from your home, reach out to us at Bayonne Exterminating. We will thoroughly inspect your home, perform comprehensive treatments, and provide mattress and box spring encasements.
We are a family-owned company committed to treating our customers as if they were a part of our family. We believe in continuously educating our professionals and implementing new and cutting-edge home pest control and commercial pest control treatments to ensure our customers' needs are met.
Please reach out today for detailed information about the bed bug control services we offer home and business owners in Jersey City.
How can I prevent bed bugs in the future?
Read through the following tips to help prevent a large-scale problem with bed bugs inside your Jersey City home:
- Carefully inspect and clean secondhand furniture before bringing the items inside your home.
- After traveling, wash and dry all clothing on a high heat cycle and clean out suitcases before storing them away.
- Regularly wash and dry your family’s bedding and inspect mattresses and box springs for bed bugs.
- Routinely vacuum your home and deep clean upholstered furniture.
- Reduce clutter in your home that bed bugs can hide under.
Trust the professionals at Bayonne Exterminating to help you eliminate your current bed bug problem and prevent them from returning in the future. For bed bug control near you, call today!
What are ants?
Ants are insects that live in large social colonies. These colonies usually exist underground under large mounds of dirt. Certain species, however, will build nests in other unique areas like within electronics, structures of wood, or inside the wall voids of homes. One thing that is unique about these pests is their ability to create long lines to and from sources of food and the way they work together to carry larger items back to their nests. All of this starts with a single scout.
Are ants dangerous?
Most types of ants are not harmful to your physical health. Beyond contaminating food sources, these insects traditionally do not cause any real problems. Keeping this in mind, there are some species that defy this standard. Pharaoh ants, for instance, spread a few harmful diseases, like salmonellosis and staphylococcus infections. If you see these little yellow ants inside your home, it is best to keep things clean and seek an immediate answer to your ant infestation.
Why do I have an ant problem?
All ant problems start one of two ways. Either these pests need a place to live and choose your home as a location to build, or a scout comes indoors and finds something to eat or drink. Scout ants are always on the lookout for tasty treats. If they get into your home and find readily available food, they will return to their nest, leaving an invisible pheromone trail behind. Other worker ants use this trail to invade en masse, usually starting active infestations. Otherwise, ants are drawn indoors by things like heat, especially during the colder months.
Where will I find ants?
Ants exist all around us in large nests. Depending on the species, you might find nests around your yard, next to your driveway, inside trees on your property, or within your home. These pests can travel up to 100 yards from these nests to find food. Oftentimes, infestations inside local structures come from a nest that is outdoors.
How do I get rid of ants?
There are so many different forms of ant pest control that sometimes it is hard to know what methods work best. We highly recommend avoiding store-bought ant control solutions as they are often either dangerous or ineffective. What we do recommend for effective home pest control and commercial pest control is to hire a pest control company. Our team at Bayonne Exterminating offers many advanced services to deal with these and other local insect invaders. Let us pay you a visit and show you why we are your best option to get rid of ants.
How can I prevent ants in the future?
Where getting rid of ants is something you should always leave to a professional, preventing these pests is something you can do on your own with enough effort. We highly recommend utilizing basic tips like sealing entry points around your home’s exterior, keeping things clean, addressing moisture issues, and storing food inside air-tight containers. If you do not have time to prevent these pests on your own or would like a more effective option to deal with these pests, bring in our team at Bayonne Exterminating. We have the ant pest control treatments you need to avoid these insects year-round.
American Cockroaches
What are American cockroaches?
American cockroaches are one of the largest species of common cockroach. Their head has a distinctive yellowish figure-eight pattern and they are reddish-brown in color. Adult American cockroaches are winged, though they seldom fly, preferring to run. When they do take flight, it’s usually a short glide from a high place to a lower surface.
Are American cockroaches dangerous?
While they might give you a fright, their real threat lies beyond just a creepy appearance. American cockroaches can contaminate food, utensils, and prep areas with bacteria they pick up from decaying matter or sewage they've come into contact with. This can lead to diseases like salmonellosis. Their presence can be also distressing for homeowners, leading to unwanted stress and anxiety. Additionally, their shed skin and feces can trigger asthma and allergies in some individuals, especially children and the elderly.
Why do I have an American cockroach problem?
These cockroaches are in constant search of food and moisture, and your home provides both. From leaky faucets to crumbs on the floor, even the smallest of attractions can beckon these pests. They can enter through tiny cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation, drains, or vents. Factors like increased rainfall or changes in temperature can also drive these pests indoors, searching for a more suitable environment.
Where will I find American cockroaches?
Primarily, these roaches prefer warm, damp environments. This means you’re likely to find them in basements, crawl spaces, and near drains or plumbing fixtures. However, they can venture out to other parts of the home if food sources are available. Sometimes, they can even be found in drier areas if there's a consistent food source, like a pantry with improperly stored grains or pet food. Moreover, a tell-tale sign of a cockroach infestation in your home is spotting them during the day, as they are primarily nocturnal creatures.
How do I get rid of American cockroaches?
DIY methods might seem tempting, but they often offer only temporary relief. If you notice any signs of these pests in your home, it’s critical to tackle the problem head-on. Professional American cockroach pest control methods are the most reliable way to ensure you get rid of cockroaches for good. At Bayonne Exterminating, we pride ourselves in offering effective solutions to all your cockroach troubles.
How can I prevent American cockroaches in the future?
Prevention is key when it comes to these pests. Here are some steps you can take:
Seal any cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation.
Regularly inspect drains and vents for any signs of activity.
Keep your home clean, especially food preparation and storage areas.
Fix leaky faucets and pipes to minimize sources of moisture.
Store food in sealed containers.
Regularly take out the trash and ensure it’s in a sealed bin.
If all fails or you just want to be sure, seeking professional guidance and regular inspections can help ensure you don't face another invasion in the future.
The American cockroach might be a formidable foe, but with the right knowledge and support, they don’t stand a chance. If you’re ever in need of top-notch American cockroach pest control, Bayonne Exterminating is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Bayonne.
Prevention is key when it comes to these pests. Here are some steps you can take:
Seal any cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation.
Regularly inspect drains and vents for any signs of activity.
Keep your home clean, especially food preparation and storage areas.
Fix leaky faucets and pipes to minimize sources of moisture.
Store food in sealed containers.
Regularly take out the trash and ensure it’s in a sealed bin.
If all fails or you just want to be sure, seeking professional guidance and regular inspections can help ensure you don't face another invasion in the future.
The American cockroach might be a formidable foe, but with the right knowledge and support, they don’t stand a chance. If you’re ever in need of top-notch American cockroach pest control, Bayonne Exterminating is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Bayonne.